Customer Profile

Customer Case Study:
Fun Fan Game Technology is a company focused on developing innovative, fun, and engaging games. The company is dedicated to providing global players with high-quality and diverse gaming experiences across multiple platforms, including mobile, PC, and console games. It is a highly recognized gaming company in China and one of the country's top 100 internet companies, with business lines spanning game development and operations, animation production, idol entertainment, and other industries. The company possesses professional capabilities in game development, publishing, operations, and marketing.

Fun Fan Game Case

Customer Profile

Fun Fan Game Technology is a company dedicated to developing innovative, fun, and engaging games. It strives to provide high-quality, diverse gaming experiences for players worldwide, covering multiple platforms, including mobile games, PC games, and console games. As a highly renowned game company in China and one of the top 100 internet enterprises in the country, its business spans various industries, including game development and operations, animation production, and idol entertainment. The company possesses professional expertise in game development, publishing, operations, and marketing.

Customer Pain Point

As Fun Fan Game Technology has undergone continuous digital transformation in recent years, the number of users on its mobile and client platforms has increased year by year, with growing demands for a better gaming experience. Previously, the company’s infrastructure was concentrated in a local IDC data center, which could not meet the requirements for rapid data storage and scalable capacity. With business expansion, the services provided by the IDC data center reached a bottleneck, making it difficult to scale and resulting in frequent instability and outages. Additionally, the core database in the IDC had a single point of failure risk, threatening business continuity. When failures occurred, it could impact operations for several hours or even an entire day, causing significant disruptions.

As a result, Fun Fan Game Technology considered migrating part of its operations to the public cloud. The first priority was the company’s official website, internal RPA data system, and payment system. Therefore, we recommended that Fun Fan Game Technology migrate to AWS.


We engaged in an in-depth discussion with the client to understand their business requirements, existing infrastructure, and the challenges they were facing. Their operations were primarily hosted in an IDC data center, but with rapid business growth, they began encountering issues related to scalability, operational efficiency, and cost control.

To address these challenges, we recommended that they consider migrating their operations to the AWS cloud platform. During our discussions, we highlighted AWS's advantages, such as elastic scalability, high availability, and global deployment. Based on the client's business needs, we provided a customized migration plan. The client ultimately approved our proposed technology and solution, deciding to migrate from the IDC data center to AWS to better manage market challenges and accelerate business growth.

To ensure high availability, the client outlined the following requirements:

1) The application must ensure high availability and be able to automatically scale when resources are insufficient.

2) The data from the local servers and databases must be smoothly migrated to the cloud without any data loss, and the data must be able to dynamically expand.

3) Post-migration, data availability must be guaranteed.

4) The recovery time after migration should be minimal, with no more than 10 minutes of downtime and a maximum acceptable data loss of 5 minutes.

We successfully met these requirements, solving the client's issues and earning their strong approval.



Core Architecture of the Proposed Solution

Based on the market characteristics of the client’s business, we recommended AWS’s Beijing region as the target area for the entire system migration, with AWS’s Ningxia region serving as the disaster recovery area. This would store backup data and reduce network latency when retrieving data from Ningxia to Shanghai. By deploying the system across different regions and updating it simultaneously in both AWS Beijing and Ningxia, we ensured the business’s high availability and scalability.

The front end uses Auto Scaling groups and Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) to scale applications based on traffic, ensuring high availability. The core database is deployed across multiple availability zones and uses cross-region read replicas for data synchronization, achieving region-level disaster recovery. Automatic failover is supported, where the system automatically detects database failures and switches to a standby database to maintain system availability.

We used Redis caching to accelerate access to RPA data, improving the user experience. All actions on the AWS cloud, including related API calls, are logged using AWS CloudTrail, with logs stored in an S3 bucket for audit purposes. Application logs are stored using AWS CloudWatch logs, and a NAT Gateway in the public subnet forwards internal business data to ensure the security of the private network.

Migration Assistance Provided

We fully assisted the client throughout the migration, including the following key steps:

·Migration Preparation and Assessment: OneCloud Technology Solutions conducted a thorough evaluation of the client’s existing IDC infrastructure through on-site discussions and remote meetings. This assessment covered technical, human, and time resources required.

· Migration Mobilization and Planning: We assembled a project team consisting of a project manager, technical consultants, developers, and testers. A detailed migration plan was created, including a timeline, task allocation, and milestones.

· Migration and Deployment: Application code and configurations were migrated to the new environment, followed by testing and validation to ensure data integrity and consistency.

·Architecture Optimization: After migration, we performed performance evaluations and optimizations to enhance system responsiveness and capacity. Future scalability requirements were also considered to ensure the design had robust scalability.

· Project Delivery and Acceptance: We compiled and delivered relevant project documentation, including requirement specifications, design documents, and test reports. After completing the project summary and collecting feedback, the project was successfully delivered and accepted.


OneCloud Technology Solutions successfully assisted the client in smoothly migrating their entire system to AWS. We configured services such as NAT Gateway, ELB, Auto Scaling groups, MySQL, Redis, and CloudWatch for the client. Leveraging AWS's global infrastructure and highly reliable cross-availability zone solutions, we ensured uninterrupted access to the client’s RPA system, providing enhanced availability and disaster recovery capabilities.

AWS allows for the rapid scaling up or down of resources based on client needs, significantly reducing costs associated with hardware procurement, equipment maintenance, and operations, while improving resource efficiency.

Since the successful project deployment, the client has benefited from increased business flexibility, stronger disaster recovery capabilities, and more stable application performance. These advantages have collectively helped the company advance its digital transformation.

About the Partner

As an AWS Advanced Consulting Partner, OneCloud Technology Solutions has exceptional expertise and extensive experience in AWS customer service. Our professional team is not only well-versed in all AWS services and features but also has a deep understanding of our clients' business needs and technical challenges. We are dedicated to providing comprehensive AWS solutions, from architecture design and deployment to operational optimization, with a commitment to excellence at every stage. We aim to safeguard our clients' business operations by delivering top-tier customer service and tangible business value enhancements.